Friday 18 October 2013

Malala: The real story (with evidence)

In September 2012, a 15-year-old school girl from Pakistan’s Swat valley was reported to have been shot in the face and head by a Taliban activist.

The attack caused outrage around the world and the news was given widespread coverage in the local and international media.

Malala was reported to have barely survived after doctors in Pakistan and then England performed multiple surgeries on her face and head.

Today Malala lives in the UK and has repeatedly vowed to continue working for the cause of women’s education in Pakistan, especially in those areas of the country where extremists and militant outfits are said to have been blowing up girls’ schools.

But this is just one side of the whole story. The narrative about what really happened on the day Malala was allegedly shot has mostly been weaved by the Western media.

In April this year, sent a group of its most seasoned reporters to Swat to undertake an intensive five-month investigation of the event. Their collective findings unearthed a series of some stunning disclosures (with evidence) that are bound to affectively challenge the mainstream narrative of the Malala story.

The following are the major findings of the investigation:

• Malala was not born in Swat and neither is she a Pushtun. A respected medical doctor in Swat, Imtiaz Ali Khanzai, who runs a private hospital and clinic in Swat told our reporters that he has a DNA report that proves that Malala is not Pushtun.

Showing us the report, he said he extracted Malala’s DNA when as a child she visited his clinic (with her parents) complaining of an earache.

“After she was supposedly shot last year, I remembered I had a bottle where I had kept some of her earwax,” the doctor explained. “Collecting earwax of my patients is a hobby of mine,” he added.

He went on to claim that according to the DNA, Malala is a Caucasian, most probably from Poland.

After the discovery, the doctor called Malala’s father and told him that he knew who Malala was. “

“He was stunned and began to stutter,” the doctor said. “He pleaded that I did not make my findings public. I told him I wouldn’t but only if he told me the whole truth.”

Malala’s father told the doctor that Malala’s real name was Jane and she was born in Hungary in 1997. Her real biological parents were Christian missionaries who, after traveling to Swat in 2002, left Malala as a gift to her adopted parents after they secretly converted to Christianity.
Dr. Khanzai’s DNA extraction kit
When our reporters asked the doctor why he was revealing Malala’s real identity now, he said he was convinced that Malala was planted in Swat by anti-Pakistan elements.
He then added that he can also prove that the young man who shot her was not a Pushtun either. “I have his earwax as well,’ he claimed.
After extracting the DNA of the shooter’s earwax, the doctor discovered that he was probably from Italy. He then invited our reporters to look at the man’s earwax under a microscope.
“Those tiny yellow bits that you see in the wax are bits of pizza,” he explained.
The doctor told us that in January 2012 he emailed his findings to some senior members of Pakistan’s intelligence agency, the ISI.
After a few days his clinic was raided by the police. He was in Saudi Arabia at the time collecting earwax samples of some members of the Saudi royal family. His staff at the clinic was harassed by the police who wanted to know where he kept the earwax samples.
In June this year, the doctor was visited by a young ISI officer who apologised to him about the police raid and told him that the ISI were well aware of Malala’s real identity. After much coaxing on our part, the doctor eventually gave us the cell phone number of the ISI officer.
However, the officer kept refusing to talk to us but finally relented on the condition that we refer to him as ‘Master X’.
Master X met one of our reporters at an abandoned girls’ school in lower Swat. To hide his face, the officer wore a Spiderman mask.
Talking to the reporter he said: “This had to come out one day. And I just couldn’t let myself continue to keep such a dangerous secret hidden. I am a true patriot.”
He then added: ‘My father once told me, ‘Peter, with great power comes great responsibility’.’
The officer
His revelations led us to our next shocking discovery (with evidence):
• Malala’s shooting was staged by intelligence agencies. The officer told the reporter that the whole shooting incident was a stunt planned by Pakistani and US agencies to pave the way for the Pakistani army’s invasion of North Waziristan: “It was all a drama,” he explained. “It was staged so the Pakistan army would have an excuse to invade North Waziristan.”
When asked why he was using the word ‘invasion’ when North Waziristan was a part of Pakistan, the officer replied: “North Waziristan is an autonomous Islamic Emirates. It has been like that for centuries. But our history books distort the facts and teach our children that it is part of Pakistan. The area has unimaginable amounts of oil, gold, copper, silver, bronze, coal, diamonds, gas and fossilised dinosaur remains underneath its rugged grounds. That’s what the Americans are after.”
Our reporter then asked whether he had any evidence to prove his claim.
The officer pulled out a few photographs and showed it to the reporter. The photographs showed a few bones. “Dinosaur bones,” he explained.
He added: “These were excavated in North Waziristan by the archaeology division of the Taliban. After they were studied by the geology division of the Taliban, it had traces of oil, gold, copper, silver, bronze, coal, diamonds and gas.”
One of the photographs showing dinosaur bones excavated from the grounds of North Waziristan.
What about the evidence proving that the shooting was staged by American and Pakistani agencies?
Pulling out a piece of paper, the officer said: “This is the evidence. It was decoded by the Taliban’s division of quantum physics.”
The paper had screen shots of a brief exchange of tweets on Twitter between one ‘Lib Fish’ and ‘Oil Gul.’
The officer said that Lib Fish was actually a CIA operative based in Qatar and Oil Gul was an ISI sleuth on Twitter based in Lahore. The exchange was intercepted and decoded by one ‘Tsunami Mommy’ who is based in Swabi in the Khyber Pakhtunkwa province in Pakistan and is an engineer by profession.
We are publishing the Twitter exchange between Lib Fish and Oil Gul that was provided to us by the officer:
@LibFish Yo, @OilGul, how goes life?
@OilGul Life’s kool, mate.
@LibFish @OilGul Any chance of visiting Qatar soon?
@OilGul @LibFish Haha. Soon after I’m done with my O level exams. They suck.
@LibFish @OilGul Haha. Yea, they do, don’t they?
The officer told us that Tsunami Mommy jumped in after he realised what was taking place:
@Tsunami_Mommy Agents! I know what you two do. Anti-Islam anti-Pakistan bastaaas. @OilGul @LibFish
@OilGul Dude, who are you? Why are you trolling us?
@Tsunami_Mommy Shup ut fake liberalz fascist agents IK is best you bastaaas NA250 rigging 1 billion fake liberalz votes anti-Pakistan anti-Islam inshallah Nya Bakistan tabdeeli …
The officer said he used famous Pakistani linguist and WW-II code-breaker, Mustansar Hussain Tarar, to decode the suspicious Twitter exchange and that is when he discovered that the CIA and the ISI were planning the fake shooting.
He also gave the reporter the manuscript of the book that Tsunami Mommy was writing on the shooting after piecing together the evidence (with evidence) provided by the doctor, the officer and Mustansar Hussain Tarar.
The book’s title will be ‘A Fake Shooting of a Fake Liberal by a Fake Liberal, You Bastaaas.’
Below is the brief summary of what the manuscript claims:
October 1, 1997: Malala is born to Hungarian parents in Budapest and named Jane.
October 4, 2002: The parents are recruited by the CIA and given a crash course in evangelical Christianity, hypnosis and karate.
October 7, 2003: They land in Pakistan and head for Swat posing as NGO workers. They get in touch with a low-level ISI agent, and convert the family to Christianity, leaving Jane with him. He changes her name to Malala and instils in her the fear of Jesus.
October 30, 2007: Malala starts to write a blog that asks the militants of Swat to put down their weapons, pick up a Bible and boogie.
October 21, 2011: The militants request her to stop writing her evangelical blogs and finish her homework instead.
October 1, 2012: CIA recruits a Pashtu speaking Italian-American loner (Robert) living in New York and gives him a crash course in gun-slinging and acting.
October 7, 2012: CIA shares plan of Malala’s fake shooting with the ISI. The ISI agrees and gives Malala and her parents a briefing.
October 11, 2012: The Italian-America arrives in Swat posing as an Uzbek homeopath.
The fake gunman moments before taking a flight to Pakistan.
October 12, 2012: Robert is given a gun that is loaded with blanks. He intercepts Malala’s school van and fires blanks at her. She pretends to be hit and squeeze opens a small pack of Mitchel’s Tomato Ketchup she is hiding in one of her hands and rubs the ketchup all over her face. A fake ambulance suddenly arrives on the scene and takes away Malala. The world is told that she was shot in the face and head by a Taliban fanatic.
The story that ran in the media quoted Malala’s friends in the van saying that the gunman asked for Malala and then shot her.
But the officer shared with us the testimony of one of Malala’s friends that was repressed by vested interests in the media.
According to the testimony, a man stopped the van and shouted (in Pashtu), ‘who is Jane … I mean, Jeanette … no, Alberta Joan Lucas?’
The girls looked at each other in confusion and the driver was about to drive away when the gunman pulled out a gun and started to shout: ‘Uno momento, un momento …’
Then looking at a girl he asked: ‘You lookin’ at me?’ At which Malala threw down her school bag and shouted (in Italian): ‘No you idiot, I AM lookin’ at you. Malala, Malala, remember? Fool.’
Saying, ‘Oh,’ he shot her (with the blanks).
• The girl that the media was shown in the hospital was not Malala. The officer shared with us some photographs to prove this. He first showed us a video (on his iPhone) that he shot hours after the shooting. It shows Malala joyfully bungee jumping on the hills near River Swat.
Malala bungee jumping hours after she was allegedly ‘shot.’
Then the officer informed us that the doctor had the earwax samples of the girl in the hospital. When we contacted the doctor again and asked what the samples proved he said that the DNA he extracted from the sample suggests that the girl in the hospital was not a girl at all. It was a pillow.
He said he had managed to sneak into the operating room (posing as a postman) and while he was secretly drawing out earwax from the girl’s ears, he managed to take a picture of the girl with his Nokia phone.
‘I came back and was shocked when I enlarged the picture,’ he said.
He then gave us a printout of the picture …
We believe there is now enough evidence for Pakistan and the international community to have a serious re-look at the Malala story and demand that the United Nations orders a full investigation into the matter.

Sunday 22 September 2013

PMLN Supporters Using Abusive Language for ISLAM

this guy has been abusing all the muslims consistently.when someone
asked him not to do that,his reply was way more abusive than this.i'm attaching his facebook & twitter profile links.everyone please report them.Musalmaan sirf gaaliyan khaane ke liye nahi hain.

Summary to Unblock Youtube sent to PM Nawaz Sharif .

Summary to Unblock Youtube sent to PM Nawaz Sharif . 
#YouTube expected to be unblocked before PM travel to United States.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Federal Govt of Pakistan Exposed

Finally Federal Govt of Pakistan Negotiating with Talibans.
Talibans Demamded to Release Their Main Leaders from Afghanistan

Federal Govt Accepted and Released

top Afghan Taliban commander Mullah Baradar

and inreturn taliban released 

Three Balochistani doctors

‘Insider attack’ kills three Nato soldiers in Afghanistan

A man wearing an Afghan National Security Forces uniform killed the three ISAF soldiers, the first such attack in months.

Police bust Facebook kidnap gang in Gujranwala

LAHORE: Pakistani Police on Saturday busted a gang using a female member to lure youngsters through Facebook and telephone calls and then kidnapping them for ransom, police said.
The gang, which included a lawyer, his wife, the son of a policeman and four others, was active in the industrial town of Gujranwala in central Punjab province and was traced by tracking phone calls.
“This gang of friends was using their female member to trap youngsters on Facebook and through phone calls,” Shoaib Khurram, a senior police official, told AFP.
“The girl was assigned to trap targeted young boys in fake love on Facebook and phone and then invite them for dates,” he said, adding that the other members would kidnap the boys when they came to meet her.
“So far, we have got verification about two boys who were trapped in fake love of this lady and were then kidnapped by this gang. Their families later paid ransom amounts worth millions of rupees to get them free,” he said.
Pakistan earlier this month cracked down on “immoral” love chat services offered by mobile phone companies, stifling hopes of illicit romance in the conservative Muslim country, where dating is frowned upon.
In 2010, Pakistan shut down Facebook for nearly two weeks over blasphemy and continues to restrict hundreds of online links.

Three Balochistan doctors released by Taliban

QUETTA: The Taliban militants have set free three doctors kidnapped in Balochistan's Killa Saifullah district more than three months back, family sources said on Saturday.
Armed gunmen had picked up three doctors and two paramedicsfrom Killa Saifullah district on June 12 this year.
Obaidullah Jan Babat, brother of one of the released doctors and member of Balochistan Assembly from Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party (PkMAP), told that all three doctors have been released by their captors.
There was no claim on the part of Taliban for kidnapping the doctors. However, one of the family members of the kidnapped doctors, who requested not to be named, told that Taliban from the tribal belt had kidnapped the doctors.
Similarly, a security official also mutely told that Taliban were behind the kidnapping.
The doctors spent more than three months in captivity in Pakistan's volatile tribal belt. “They have been set free in Bannu,” said Babat said.
He, however, preferred not to confirm or reject that how much ransom was paid to the kidnappers. “The doctors have physically and mentally suffered a lot.” He said arrangements were being made to shift the released doctors to their native town Loralai.
Family members, relatives and members of Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) had staged protest demonstrations in Quetta and other parts of Balochistan to mount pressure on the government to ensure a safe recovery of the doctors. PMA members had also observed strikes at hospitals in Loralai to record their protest against the kidnapping.
Doctors in Quetta had also observed a three-hour strike in government run-hospitals to protest against the kidnapping of senior doctor Manaf Tareen.
Unidentified gunmen picked up Dr Tareen from Pishin Stop, one of the high security zones of Quetta four days ago. All OPDs remained closed for three hours in civil hospital, Bolan Medical Complex and other government-run hospitals on the call of PMA.
“We will continue our protest until the recovery of Dr Manaf Tareen,’ Dr Sultan Tareen, the PMA President told a press conference in Quetta. He said the government was completely failed to protect the lives of doctors. “Doctor's kidnapping from such a sensitive area is indeed a slap on the face of security apparatus,” he said.
Meanwhile, Quetta Police Chief Mir Zubair Mehmood claimed that three kidnappers were arrested in a successful police action from different parts of the city. He said ransom amount was recovered from the accused and senior police officers were interrogating the kidnappers.
Incidents of kidnapping for ransom were constant rise in Balochistan in general and Quetta city in particular. Chief Minister Balochistan Dr Abdul Malik Baloch, during a recently held Balochistan assembly session, revealed that 78 gangs involved in kidnapping for ransom were operating in the violence-hit city.

Pakistan Idol On Geo TV: Jo Hai Dil Ki Awaz

[Karachi - PR] September 20, 2013: Quench for music has always been man’s innate desire, be it in listening format or singing this thirst is never ending appetite. After receiving an overwhelming response from America Idol one of the best of its kind unveils the curtains in Pakistan too, the “Pakistan Idol”. 
“Pakistan Idol” is a reality show which is provocatively determined to change the music scenario of Pakistani music. The doors of opportunities are opening up to the talented lot as the Grand final like auditions are taking place in Islamabad today. And today’s auditions alone will witness that how successful the show is going to be in Pakistan. The massive response and outnumbered turnover of the registered and non registered contestants is the echoed slogan that Pakistan Idol is indeed the show to hunt for the music talent!

Already hitting the social media sites in Pakistan and gossips world of our youth, the “Pakistan Idol” has become the talk of the town. Pakistan Idol posters are being shared and re shared on multiple sites and social media(we literally don’t know where :D ). With such high intensity interest and restless curiosity Pakistani talent is overwhelmed with joyous and accentuated emotions. Further, The reality show will doubtlessly without any hiccups provides our talent a chance to give their lives a nice and easy take off. Now it’s time to test and dig our talent here!  It’s the time to wear your lace up shoes and show the world what good voice you got! This is indeed the Hunt for Music Talent!
pakistan idol auditions islamabad
In association with FremantleMedia, Geo TV network yet again steals a march upon his friends and foes and has credited “Pakistan Idol’s rights to its name, leaving it entire competitor Channels watching their hands in bewilderment. Not the 1st time though but Geo TV Network has proved once more that it has indeed been the channel of the Pakistani audience!  So the talent to mark in their diaries that the auditions will start from Islamabad from September 19 and gradually will be moving to the other cities. If you believe you have the voice to rock the world, don’t forget to register yourself before “Team Idol” hits your city.

PTI tribal leader killed in attack

NOWSHERA: A tribal leader belonging to Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf was killed and five others suffered injuries when gunmen on a motorcycle attacked a PTI office at the Jalozai camp here on Friday.
Sources said two attackers opened fire at the PTI office at 10am when a meeting of tribal elders was in progress. Malik Mulla Khel Afridi died on the spot and five others — Syed Baz Afridi, Malik Gulistan Khan, Haji Gul Jalal, Malik Sham Mohammad and a passer-by Mohammad Ali (9) — were injured.
The injured were taken to the Rashid Shaheed Memorial Hospital in Pabbi from where three were referred to the Lady Reading Hospital for their serious condition.
The body of Mulla Khel was taken to the DHQ hospital for autopsy. Syed Baz Afridi, one of the injured, lodged an FIR with the Pabbi police against the unidentified assailants.
Mulla Khel was an activist of the PTI and a prominent leader of internally displaced people. He played a leading role in arranging a vaccination campaign for children at the camp and the registration process of displaced people. He was close to PTI’s Khyber Agency chief Iqbal Afridi.
Mulla Khel belonged to the Malak Din Khel tribe and had moved to Jalozai camp in December 2009 after developing differences with Lashkar-i-Islam. He was made member of the IDPs’ committee at the camp level and later included in the 16-member Shura set up by the camp management to handle various problems faced by the IDPs.
Soon after the attack police and elite force personnel reached the area and launched a search operation. However, no arrest was made till late in night. Meanwhile, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Pervez Khattak condemned the attack and ordered an inquiry into the incident.

Pakistan frees top Afghan Taliban commander Mullah Baradar

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Saturday released its most senior Afghan Taliban detainee Abdul Ghani Baradar, a senior official told AFP, in a move welcomed by Kabul who hope it will encourage peace talks with the insurgents.
Baradar, a one-time military chief often described as the militants’ former second-in-command, was the most high profile detained Taliban commander in Pakistan.
“Yes Baradar has been released,” Omar Hamid, a spokesman for Pakistan's interior ministry told news agency AFP, without elaborating on the circumstances of the release.
The Pakistani foreign office also confirmed the release in a short statement.
“Mullah Baradar was released this morning,” Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, the spokesman for foreign ministry, told AFP via text message. He added: “Released in Pakistan. No further details available with me”.
Afghanistan’s High Peace Council (HPC) welcomed the release and thanked Pakistan’s government.
“We welcome his release. And we thank the government of Pakistan that showed goodwill and answered positively to the request of Afghanistan government,” Mohammad Esmail Qasimyar, senior member of HPC, told AFP.
“Baradar is someone who has always been eager to join peace negotiations, and we hope he joins peace talks soon. We are optimistic about it, he is still an influential figure, and the Taliban still respect him,” Qasimyar said.
Pakistan’s foreign office on Friday said that Baradar’s release would facilitate Afghanistan’s reconciliation process with the Taliban as a Nato combat mission there winds down.
The Taliban opened an office in Doha in June as a precursor to possible talks but it was quickly shut down after Karzai reacted furiously when they put up a flag and plaque as if they were a government-in-exile.
However, the Taliban’s spokesman in Afghanistan, Zabihullah Mujahid said they could not yet confirm the move.
“We only heard through the media that Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar will be released. We have not received any official confirmation about his release,” Mujahid told AFP in Kabul.
The Afghan government has long demanded that Islamabad free Baradar.
He was arrested January 2010 in the southern port city of Karachi, reportedly in a secret raid by CIA and Pakistani agents, in an operation that was described as a huge blow to the Taliban, who ruled Afghanistan until a US-led invasion in 2001.
At the time of his detention Baradar was reported to have been the Taliban’s second-in-command, the right hand man of the supreme commander Mullah Omar.
He was the most senior member of the Taliban held after US-led troops invaded Afghanistan in the wake of the Sept 11 attacks, bringing down the radical religious regime.
His release brings to 34 the number of Taliban detainees that Pakistan has freed since last year, in what Afghan officials hope will encourage peace talks with Taliban insurgents.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai had asked Pakistan to help open direct dialogue between his government and the Taliban, who consider Karzai an “American puppet” and have refused to hold discussions with his government.
But Sartaj Aziz, the main adviser to Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on national security and foreign affairs had said that Baradar would not be handed over to Kabul, and analysts agree his release will have little impact on talks.
Political analyst Talat Masood said the announcement was a “sort of a confidence-building measure between Pakistan and Afghanistan”.
“However, this release is not likely to make any significant difference in the negotiating process,” he said.
The details of where Baradar will go after being freed are unclear. There has been speculation he could head to Turkey or Saudi Arabia, but a Taliban source told AFP he would probably stay in Karachi, where his family is said to be based.
Born in 1968 in the southern province of Uruzgan, Abdul Ghani Baradar fought the occupying Soviet forces in the late 1980s before becoming one of the founding members of the Taliban movement.

Nawaz nominates retired Justice Ejaz Chaudhry for NAB chairman

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has proposed the name of Justice retired Ejaz Chaudhry for the slot of Chairman National Accountability Bureau.
He proposed the name in a meeting with Opposition Leader Khurshid Shah in Islamabad on Saturday.
The two leaders also discussed the name of former Chief Justice Ajmal Mian for the coveted slot. The opposition leader had proposed the name to the government the name in a similar meeting on Friday.
Later speaking to reporters, the opposition leader said he has no serious objections on the name of Ejaz Chaudhry but deliberations are required to bring a consensus and uncontroversial figure to the important slot of Chairman NAB.
The key post of the chief of the national anti-graft watchdog has been vacant since May 28 this year after the Supreme Court removed the previous chairman, retired Admiral Fasih Bokhari.
NAB has been facing multiple problems due to the absence of chairman as it cannot file any fresh reference and cannot go for appeals which should be filed within days of a court order after duly signed by the chairman and the prosecutor general.
The Supreme Court had earlier taken notice that major operations of NAB had come to a halt in the absence of a chairman and asked the government to make the appointment as early as possible or “be ready to face consequences in the light of a decision of a five-member bench.”
The government had sought a one-week time which ended on Friday.
According to the constitution, the chief of the country’s top anti-graft body is appointed after due consultation between the prime minister and the leader of the opposition.
A source told Dawn that four names proposed earlier, two each by the government and the opposition, had been rejected and now there was two names on the table — Justice retired Ajmal Mian and Justice retired Ejaz Chaudhry.
The government had earlier proposed the names of retired Justice Rehmat Hussain Jaffery and former federal secretary Khwaja Zaheer Ahmed and the opposition the name of retired Justice Bhagwandas and retired Justice Sardar Raza.
Justice Ajmal Mian,79, remained the acting chief justice of the Supreme Court from Feb 28, 1997, to March 4, 1997; from May 30, 1997, to June 19, 1997; from Oct 10, 1997, to Oct 13, 1997; and from Dec 3, 1997, to Dec 23, 1997. He was made permanent chief justice on Dec 23, 1997, and retired on June 30, 1999.
The role of Justice Ajmal Mian became controversial when he reportedly allowed a coup within the Supreme Court against Chief Justice Sajjad Ali Shah in Nov 1997 when Mr Nawaz Sharif was the prime minister.
A senior PPP leader told Dawn that the name of Ajmal Mian was proposed by the PPP after Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan opposed another PPP nominee, retired Supreme Court judge Sardar Raza.

Maria Toor becomes first female Nash Cup champion

Pakistan’s squash player Maria Toorpakai Wazir put her name in the history books by winning the first ever women’s event in the Nash Cup in Canada by beating Milou van der Heijden of the Netherlands 13-11, 11-3, 11-9.
The victory gave Maria, who hails from South Waziristan, the third title of her WSA career after she won the Southwest Squash Open and the Liberty Bell Open last year in the US and was another milestone in her journey of immense courage and perseverance.
“When I win a tournament, I feel that I am moving towards my goals. So winning today means a lot to me,” Maria said after winning the Nash Cup.
Maria who had faced stiff opposition in her native Bannu for playing sport, often posed as a boy to compete in matches in her conservative hometown. She moved to Peshawar in 1999 to pursue her love for squash.
Upon her move, Maria was immediately inducted into the Hashim Khan Complex, named after the first great player to emerge from a Pakistani dynasty of squash players which dominated the international game for decades.
It was in Peshawar where Maria’s father really began to realise the true potential his daughter had. Representing Warsak High School in Peshawar, Maria became the youngest ever winner of the National Women’s Squash Championship toppling top seed Muqaddas Ashraf of Punjab in straight sets in the final at Karachi Club squash court in 2004. She was 13 at the time and while the cash prize of Rs. 8,500 and a crystal trophy felt good, it was really the satisfaction of being better than everyone that was to accelerate Maria’s drive. She quickly swatted away her competition, winning an Under-15 tournament and then at 15 winning the Under-19 Hashim Khan National junior championship in 2005.
She scaled up the national rankings, Dunlop racquet in hand and Mohammad Ali-like confidence, often calling her self the world’s best squash player in some of her post-match press conferences. It was this self belief and great form that finally brought her to the world stage, joining the WISPA in 2006. She was immediately at ease on the international circuit as well, reaching the semi-final stage of the 2nd WISPA International Women’s Squash Championship at the POF Jahangir Khan Complex in Islamabad.
In early August 2007 she was given the Salaam Pakistan Award by the President of Pakistan, alongside tennis player Aisam-ul-Haq Qureshi and footballer Muhammad Essa.
The year 2009 saw her win her first international tournament when she beat the same opponent she had defeated as a 13-year-old. Muqaddas Ashraf once again succumbed to Maria’s power and agility losing the Chief of Army Staff International squash tournament.
But it was in 2011 that her fortunes really changed.
After learning of a job opening at Canadian squash legend Jonathan Power's National Squash Academy in Toronto, Maria wrote an emotional letter to Power about the difficulty of training freely in Peshawar and about her aspirations of following in the footsteps of Pakistani greats. Moved by the plea, Power immediately took the young talent under his wings and vowed to make her a world champion.
The academy in Toronto gave Maria “10 out of 10” as far as talent was concerned but a lack of proper training meant she had a long way to go before she could compete with the top stars in the world. Her grit and determination, however, meant that it wasn’t going to be long until that happened.
Two titles in 2012, qualification in the British Open main draw(a first for Pakistani female players) and now the Nash Cup. For Power, who was in attendance at the London Squash & Fitness Club in Ontario, Maria seems to be headed in the right direction.

The Richest and the most corrupt SHO of Pakistan Police

This is a report compiled by Geo Television Network to aware people of the basic problem in Pakistan, “Corruption.A case is being registered against an SHO in Peshawar, who is alleged to have used his powers for his own personal gains. At a time when policemen are complaining of having not a good salary how can a SHO have 4 bungalows and 12 cars in his possession? Mr. Rajab Ali who started his career as a constable in the year 1995 was asked to appear in the Peshawar High Court. Mr. Rajab has been accused of making false cases against people and asking money from them moreover it was told to the high court that he also used to blackmail the transporters.
According to the Geo news report he was not alone, some of his accomplices were also involved in this crime. The chief justice of Peshawar high court has handed the case over to NAB. Till now Mr. Rajab Ali has rejected all accusations made against him.

Friday 20 September 2013

Airport Custom Employees Caught Demanding Bribe From Passengers EXPOSED

Click to Watch
Pakistan,Lahore Airport Custom Employees Caught Demanding Bribe From Passengers
Took 5000 PKR From Passenger and Allow Her to Take LCD With Her
But Goverment Tax on LCD is RS 20,000 PKR

Key Amn Committee leader killed

KARACHI: While Rangers and police continued targeted operations in Karachi, including Lyari, a key figure of the outlawed Peoples Amn Committee Zafar Baloch was shot dead Wednesday by unknown assailants on motorcycles in Lyari. 
Tension and fear gripped the city’s south district, particularly Lyari and its adjoining areas, following the killing of Baloch. Law-enforcement agencies claimed to have adopted strict security measures to prevent any reaction to the violent incident in which a guard of the slain leader was also killed.
Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah, also the provincial president of the PPP, condemned the killing in a statement which did not describe Zafar Baloch as a PPP man. Moreover, Provincial Information Minister Sharjeel Inaam Memon also condemned the killing.
Late on Wednesday night, police placed containers and barricades to block the road leading to the Chief Minister’s House in view of a possible protest by supporters of Zafar Baloch.
Police said that Zafar Baloch, 46, and his guard Muhammad Ali were targeted by assailants when he was returning from the Lyari General Hospital where bodies of three suspected gangsters killed in a shootout with Rangers were shifted.
When his vehicle reached near Bizenjo Chowk, several gunmen riding motorcycles opened fire at it. Zafar Baloch and his guard suffered multiple bullet wounds. They were taken to a private hospital where doctors declared them dead. Later, the body of the slain Mr Baloch was shifted to the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre for a post-mortem examination.
DIG-South Abdul Khaliq Sheikh suspected that a rival group of the PAC might have targeted Zafar Baloch. “There are different groups operating in the area and initially our doubts go to one of the rival groups.”
He said that arrangements had been made to handle the reaction of the killing.
Heavy deployment of law-enforcement agencies had been made in the vulnerable areas with main focus on strife-hit localities where Kutchhi and Baloch communities were living, he added.
Baloch had survived at least two attempts on his life in the past.
He remained a local PPP leader but joined the PAC when it was formed in 2008. Later he became general secretary of district south chapter of the PPP, but resigned soon after developing differences with the party’s lawmakers.
He was the number two in the PAC, now called the Lyari Amn Committee, after its chief Uzair Jan Baloch.
In the aftermath of the shooting fear and panic spread in the area. Shops were shutdown while aerial firing was reported at sporadic instances.
The chief minister termed the murder a ‘conspiracy to disturb law and order situation in the city’ and directed the Sindh police chief to immediately arrest the killers.
A spokesman for the Bilawal House said the killing of Zafar Baloch was a message for every patriotic political worker in Karachi.
In an obvious reference to the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, he said that the PPP was waiting for the reaction of those who frequently gave calls for strike in the city.
Javed Nagori, provincial minister and PPP lawmaker from Lyari, also saw the killing as a conspiracy to destroy peace in the city and urged party workers to remain united.

Drunk Pakistan pilot arrested at British airport

LONDON: A pilot believed to be working for Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has been arrested at a British airport on suspicion of being drunk in charge of a plane, police said on Thursday.
Officers were called on Wednesday evening to the airport serving the northern English cities of Leeds and Bradford where they arrested a 54-year-old man from Pakistan, a statement from West Yorkshire Police said.
The exact circumstances of the arrest were not entirely clear, although the pilot was not thought to be flying at the time.
“At about 10pm last night police were called to Leeds Bradford International Airport where they arrested an airline pilot on suspicion of carrying out an activity ancillary to an aviation function while impaired by drink,” police said.
“The 54-year-old man, from Pakistan, is currently in custody.”
PIA has immediately grounded and suspended one of its pilots upon violation of rules, a PIA Spokesperson said.
In a statement issued, he said the pilot was the captain of PK-776 from Leeds-Bradford to Islamabad.
"Due to unavailability of any alternate, the captain of the flight had to make a night stop at Leeds. Later, the flight departed with a delay of 15 hours."
He said the pilot is still in custody of British Police for further investigation.
Referring to another incident of indecent behavior by three flight stewards in Manchester, the spokesperson said that the management has also suspended them.
They were taken into custody by Manchester Police on complaint made by a British lady. The investigation is still in process.
The spokesperson said that PIA is not responsible for violation of rules or code of conduct committed by its employees.
"PIA will never provide legal or any kind of assistance nor support for individual's act of violation.
"Upon receipt of final report the violators will face further severe action according to rules of corporation," he concluded.
Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif announced plans earlier this month to sell off a 26 per cent stake in the ailing national carrier, one of the poorest performing state-run companies in the country.

SC orders to apprehend more than 33,000 absconders in Karachi

KARACHI: Expressing annoyance over the inability and failure of police in arresting absconders involved in heinous crimes, Pakistan’s top court Friday ordered all responsible officials to apprehend them immediately.
A five-member bench, headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and comprising Justices Jawad S. Khawaja, Justice Khilji Arif Hussain, Justice Amir Hani Muslim and Justice Sheikh Azmat Saeed, resumed hearing of the Karachi law and order implementation case at the Supreme Court’s Karachi registry.
Prosecutor General of Sindh, Shahdat Awan placed before the court a report stating that over 110,000 are absconders in the Sindh province since 2007, out of which 33,665 are in Karachi, while about 1,486 persons involved in terrorism activities are also on the run.
The bench was astounded by the report that such a large number of criminals were left to roam on the streets.
To a query of the court, IG Sindh Police Shahid Nadeem Baloch said that he had started a campaign to arrest all such absconding criminals. The bench was irked with his statement, saying if he had made concentrated effort, he would have brought to book all such criminals earlier.
The chief justice also enquired about absconders, who were released under the garb of National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO). He was informed that about 12,734 accused took advantage of NRO.
Chief Justice Chaudhry said observed that crime rate could have decreased if the police had shown a little sincerity and police department had been purged of politics.
The bench directed the provincial police chief and all responsible police officials to track down the absconders and put them behind the bars. It observed that the city was awash with illicit arms.
The bench observed that despite lapse of two years since issuance of verdict over law and order in Karachi in 2011, the provincial government had not undertaken the task of verifying license of arms issued for the Karachi.
It directed the provincial and federal government to take extraordinary efforts to control the illegal arms in the city. The bench expressed annoyance over fact that functionaries who were dealing with the current situation in the city did not have knowledge about the statistics of arm licenses issued during the last five years.
The chief justice directed the provincial government to collect the figures of licenses issued during the last five years and launch a campaign for verification and scrutiny of the arms licenses.
The bench further issued directives to the government to ask masses of the city to surrender the all kind of arms for the scrutiny within period prescribed by government and after the completion of such period, rangers and police be given task to recover the unregistered and illegal weapons.
The court observed that over 2.5 million aliens were living in the city and in order to attend the issue, it pointed out a mechanism, but no action was taken to register illegal immigrants.
The bench directed the provincial and federal authorities to look into the matter and observed that it was one of the major facts disturbing the peace in the port city.
The court also sealed the reports submitted by federal government and rangers pertaining to the ongoing targeted operation in the city.
The bench appreciated the performance of the law enforcing agencies in maintaining the law and order situation and instructed the provincial government to ensure the sustainability of the law and order.

MQM’s Nabil Gabol named in Zafar Baloch murder case

KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader Nabil Gabol has been named in the murder case of proscribed People’s Amn Committee leader Zafar Baloch, drawing severe criticism from MQM, DawnNews reported.
Father of Zafar Baloch reportedly named Gabol – also a member of the National Assembly – in the First Information Report (FIR), registered here on Friday night.
He alleged that the killing was carried out on the MQM leader’s instructions.
Zafar Baloch, a diehard activist of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and a key figure of the outlawed Peoples Amn Committee, along with his guards, was shot dead on Wednesday by unknown motorcycle riders in Karachi’s troubled Lyari neighbourhood.
Tension and fear had gripped the city’s south district, particularly Lyari and its adjoining areas, following the killing of Baloch
Meanwhile, condemning the claim, MQM’s Rabita Committee has demanded the federal government to take immediate notice of the episode.
In a statement issued here, the party demanded for retraction of the murder case against their lawmaker. “Falsely involving Nabil Gabol in the murder case of Zafar Baloch is continuation of political victimization,” said the statement.
Gabol is currently in Islamabad to attend the ongoing session of lower house of the parliament.
Zafar Baloch had survived at least two attempts on his life in the past.
He remained a local PPP leader but joined the PAC when it was formed in 2008. Later he became general secretary of district south chapter of the PPP, but resigned soon after developing differences with the then PPP MNA, Nabil Gabol and provincial minister Rafiq Engineer.

Govt committed to deal with energy, economy, extremism: Dar

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Finance, Economic Affairs and Privatisation, Ishaq Dar has said that country's leadership was fully committed to deal with all three Es (Energy, Economy and Extremism) inherited to the present government.
“We inherited an economy that was in a serious state of imbalance,” the Wall Street Journal, one of the leading US newspapers, quoted Ishaq Dar as saying in an interview.
Pakistan's new finance minister, who has already moved to pull the economy from the brink and garnered vital support from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), said that the country now would launch a wide-scale privatisation programme as it seeks to meet ambitious growth targets.
Dar said that as a result of the planned overhauls, he sought to double the economy's growth rate, currently barely keeping up with the population increase, to 6 per cent in three years.
Under the previous administration of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), investment had collapsed, the budget deficit had jumped to well over 8 per cent, public debt had ballooned, and depleted foreign-exchange reserves meant Pakistan was in danger of defaulting on $3 billion of international loan repayments due this financial year, he said.
The minister said that since then, the government quickly managed to remove the $5 billion chain of “circular” debt that was choking the crucial electricity sector, by paying off and restructuring the liabilities.
Ishaq Dar said that to protect its foreign reserves, the government also secured this month a $6.6 billion loan from the IMF, winning guarded praise from the fund for its agenda. For the past three years, he said multilateral lenders had shunned Pakistan. Publicly owned enterprises have become a major burden on the economy, losing between $4 billion and $5 billion a year, he said. “Surely we can't keep bleeding like that.”
The government's plan is to privatise around 35 public corporations in the next three years, he said. This month, the government announced the first on offer: a minority stake in Pakistan International Airlines, the troubled national carrier.
He added that increasing the tax revenue is another priority.
Dar said that only about one million people pay income tax in Pakistan, a country of 180 million.
He aimed to add 500,000 taxpayers over the government's five- year term, raising tax revenue as a proportion of gross domestic product to 15 per cent from the current 8.5pc.
“Stabilisation measures and structural reforms are always painful,” he said and added: “We have taken some very difficult decisions.”